Quite recently a new device appeared on our market - Ajax Relay. A device that allows you to remotely control any devices whose supply voltage is in the range 0-36 VDC at a load of up to 5A.
The appearance of the relay allows all AJAX users to realize their creative ideas.
Ajax Relay is a convenient tool for implementing ideas for automating processes in the home and office. The new device helps to remotely control low-current devices and unties the hands of fans of independent experiments and professional installers, whose customers regularly ask about the functions of the "smart house".
By the way in the network 110-230 V Relay contacts are able to commute devices with a power of up to 3 kW.
The relay closes and closes the contacts by the user's Ajax system command using the Ajax Security System application. It is also possible to set whether Relay is automatically turned on or off in response to arming or disarming the system.
The mobile application Ajax Security System allows you to monitor in real time the supply voltage of the relay and the consumers connected via relays.
Scheme of connection to one power source
Scheme of connection to different power sources
Connection scheme as a button or toggle switch
For convenience, Relay provides several modes of operation of the relay and various states of the contact. They can be combined according to the user's requirements.
bistable, when the contacts close and open according to the principle of the switch;
pulse, when the contacts close or open for a period of 0.5 to 15 seconds, and then automatically perform the reverse action.
To avoid accidents and breakdown of equipment, the manufacturer equipped the Relay mechanism with protection against overheating and voltage surges. It is always on, you can not turn it off. If the temperature at the Relay installation site exceeds 65 ° C or becomes greater than 85 ° C inside the device, the relay opens and reports a fault. As soon as the temperature is normal, the relay restores the operation and sends a notification.
To get acquainted with the characteristics of Relay, you can use the
Link to the source: https://ajax.systems/ru